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Aquaman Diet & Workout Routine (PDF)

Aquaman Diet & Workout Routine (PDF)

Regular price $15.00 USD
Regular price $30.00 USD Sale price $15.00 USD
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Discover the importance of a nutritionally rich diet, featuring a daily meal plan that supports muscle repair, growth, and energy needs for rigorous training sessions. From protein-packed breakfasts to carb-rich pre and post-workout snacks, our diet plan ensures you're fueled and ready to tackle each challenge. Learn about the strategic caloric surplus for muscle gain, optimal protein intake, and the role of hydration in performance.

Incorporate our expert recommendations on supplements like whey protein, BCAAs, and creatine monohydrate to support endurance, recovery, and strength gains. Embrace the key principles of rest and recovery, with tips on getting adequate sleep and incorporating active recovery days for maximum progress.

Whether you're a competitive swimmer looking to gain an edge or an athlete seeking to build muscle while enjoying the benefits of swimming, our plan offers a structured path to achieving your goals. Get ready to transform your performance in the pool and witness significant muscle growth with our ultimate swim training and muscle-building plan.

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